Public Health Department at GCHC
Through a grant from the Rotary Foundation and in partnership with the district government health department, we are developing a Public Health Department at Grace Community Health Center!
The public health department in Malawi provides a lot of services in local communities such as prenatal care, under 5 year old clinics, vaccines, testing, counseling and treatment for HIV/AIDS, assessments for malnutrition and supplement treatments, and much more!
Public Health Assistants setting up an under 5s clinic in a rural community near the Grace Center.
In March 2021, the Rotary Foundation awarded a grant for the development of our public health department. We are tremendously grateful to the Rotary Foundation in partnership with Rotary District 5730-Texas, Rotary District 9210-Malawi, Rotary Club of Metropolitan Lubbock, Rotary Club of Bwaila-Lilongwe, and Rotary Club of Big Spring.
The grant will provide desperately needed equipment including beds, medical supplies, and laboratory set up, to get our Public Health Department running smoothly, as well as a number of renovations at the Health Center including office spaces, water, electricity, pharmacy storage, and a lab.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Rotary District 5730 for taking the lead in this project, District Governor Bonnie and Michael Pendleton, Global Grants Chair/PDG Susan and ADG Cal Brints, District Foundation Chair Katie and John Salter, PP Paul and PP Bonnie Schwarzentraub. Thank you!
In May 2021, the funds arrived in Malawi and the work began!
Here’s the team on the ground, doing the hard work! L to R: Pearson Matthews (GC Infrastructure), Levison Kawotcha (GCHC In-Charge), Bwaila-Lilongwe Rotary President, Pikawo Ngalamira, President Elect, Richard Dilawo, Mr. Chirambo, Pastor KDO Milanzi, President Nominee, Stella Kasirye, Rotarian Patrick Makono and Karly Glibert, GCHC Health Program Coordinator.
One of the first steps was drilling a new well, funding for the well came from LakeRidge United Methodist Church, Lubbock TX. Funding from the grant will provide plumbing supplies, new tanks, a new tank stand, etc. Isn’t partnership amazing!
Building supplies like cement, boards, plumbing materials, new windows, doors, sinks, etc.
Builders at work mixing cement for the new walls, demarcating office spaces, laboratory, pharmacy storage, etc.
Dr. Kawotcha checking out the new spaces!
The air conditioner in the lab will keep test reagents a consistent temperature.
Additional sinks and hot water for hand washing are part of the public health developments throughout the health center.
The new initiatives introduced through the public health department such as providing ARTs (HIV/AIDS treatment therapies) require additional storage space for pharmaceuticals. We are so grateful to have the ability to provide these services through our health center.
Pearson, Dr. Kawotcha and the contractors doing the hard work — carpenter, electrician, plumber, builder!
Be sure to check back again soon as the development continues!