Update on #FeedMalawi

by Karen Roller

Raging tragedy, rotten tragedy polluting all your earth;
Fatal blemishes, God, these blemishes, they really start to hurt.

My weak reverence, far less than you deserve;
But I hold this posture
’Cause I know
You’re Father of all things.
Can I trade my worship;
Poor exchange
For a glimpse of your story.
— Stephanie Glyzewski

For months, we cried out to God for relief from the hunger and starvation of millions of people in Malawi this year. We bowed down pleading with Him, worshiping Him, trusting Him to provide food and rain. We asked Him for help and He delivered. Through the gracious donations of our friends, family, partners, and churches, we were given the opportunity to be His hands and feet to our friends and children in Malawi.

For the past 6 months, nearly 1000 people have eaten lunch at the Grace Center every day!

Additionally, hundreds of families have been blessed with food to take home to feed their children and the elderly in local villages surrounding the Grace Center.

God, you are the Father of all things. Thank you for letting us catch a glimpse of your story today. Receive our worship and our praise! Thank you, Jesus.

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